
Pinto: Images of spotted horses appear in the art work of Ancient Egypt, and archaeologists have found evidence of horses with unique coat patterns on the Russian steppes before the rise of the Roman Empire.

Many breeds of horse carry broken coat patterns. They have been called paint, particolored, pied, piebald, calico, and skewbald, all are terms used to describe the distinct variations in color and markings.

Throughout history numerous cultures, including the Native Indians, have selectively bred for the spotted horses. The original coloring and pattern of each animal helped to identify the owners particular horse and also served as camouflage which aided in concealing a war or hunting party.

While a Pinto may be of any breed or combination of breeds that exhibit the painted colorations, a "Paint" is a specific breed of horse, and are recorded in a separate registry, the American Paint Horse Association.

The Paint is bred for conformation similar to a Quarter Horse and also bred for the unique spotted coloring. The Pinto Horse Association of America, organized in 1956, registers all breeds and types of horse on the basis of color.

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